Greetings and Assalamualaikum

       My name is Muhammad Haqeeme bin Asyaari, I am 19 years old and I am a student in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I am the second born of 2 siblings and living my best life as a student in Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan. In this faculty, I am pursuing a degree in Business Administration and still going through my first semester with a hope that I will get through this degree with flying colors and my sanity intact. Before UKM, I was in UITM where I manage to get through asasi kejuruteraan while making memorable friends along the way. When I got into UKM I got into Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina or FKAB for short. I made the decision to switch to FEP after convincing myself that I would like to learn and explore something new and crucial for me owing to the fact that I am lacking even the most general knowledge about business. With some elbow grease, I managed to get into FEP after missing a few classes in the beginning but Alhamdulillah with some studying I managed to catch up.

      My hobby is taking a walk outside preferably places that calms the mind. Taking walks definitely have helped me in my times of overwhelming tasks and assignments. In many people's eye this activity seems simple and have miniscule effect on a person but that cannot be more wrong. Taking walks helps with clearing my mind immensely and that does help with being more productive with my work. Whenever I decide to take a walk I usually find places that are pedestrian friendly and naturous like a park or a beach. Here are some  places that I personally prefer. 


       In my spare time, I like to play video games. It is one of the best source of entertainment that one could enjoy while improvising crucial thinking skills. For example, one of the games that I usually play with friends is Counter Strike : Global Offensive (CSGO). CSGO is a multiplayer online first-person shooter game that encourage good hand-eye coordination, good communication skill and team coordination. It is the type of game that is easy to learn but insanely difficult to master and this is a statement that comes from a person that played this game for nearly 5 years. However, when I play with friends we usually do not take the game too seriously and just playing it for the sake of having fun. If my friends are not around, which they usually are because they are also university students, I play single-player games that are story driven. In my opinion these kinds of games are better than watching a movie because you have the power to directly interact with the story and this enhances the immersion experience toward a certain story making it more meaningful and impactful. It is like the opposite of reading a book or watching a movie which lacks the engagement of the viewers. These are some of the games that I personally enjoy to play and teaches important lessons in my life.



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